National, provincial and territorial labour leaders voice strong opposition to back-to-work legislation in ILWU job action against the BC Maritime Employers Association (BCME)

July 11, 2023

In a letter addressed to the Prime Minister, labour leaders from across the country reiterated their strong opposition to any attempt by the federal government to introduce back-to-work legislation against International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) workers currently on strike. 

“Back-to-work legislation would be a misstep that would only aggravate the situation. If the right to strike is weakened by the federal government legislating the 7000 ILWU workers back to work, it will have a significant impact on every Canadian who expects to have their rights protected by their government. Collective bargaining and the right to strike are fundamental rights. They are central to our democracy. We urge your government to allow the parties to finish bargaining the outstanding issues in good faith,” said Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress. 

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Pro-worker momentum at the DNC spells trouble for Poilievre as well as Trump 

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Canada’s unions: workers have waited long enough to pass Bill C-64, An Act Respecting Pharmacare

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Global union leaders affirm support for Palestinian trade unions and the Palestinian people

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